You’re a new mom, blessed with a perfect child. While having the baby was one of the most life‑transforming times in your life, after your child is delivered, you are still carrying a little extra weight from being pregnant. All of your friends reassure you that the baby weight is easy to remove with a good diet and exercise regimen. You instantly commit to do whatever it takes to melt the body fat away. As time progresses, your clothes start feeling looser and you feel more energized with a pep in your step. You haven’t felt this good in a long time, and are looking forward to bikini season. After getting an adorable swimsuit for your baby along with sunglasses and sunblock, you tackle your own wardrobe pulling out your favorite pre-mommy bikini.
You slip it on, turn around, and as you look in the mirror, you are mortified to see that even though you’ve lost a substantial amount of weight, your body is just not bikini worthy. You’ve got stretch marks along the sides of your stomach and even worse, you have a little bit of a gut protruding over your bikini bottoms. Feeling self-conscious, you remove your bikini and put on a beach outfit instead. With the specialists at the Plastic Surgery Institute in Miami, you will get a beautiful tummy tuck at an affordable price.
Affordable Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Procedures in Miami
As a new parent, the last thing you can afford is an expensive tummy tuck. There are so many unexpected costs that you didn’t consider while you were expecting. Doctor’s appointments, diapers, formula, and clothes to name a few. However, you’re determined to treat yourself to this procedure, not only to boost your self-confidence but to get your body into a bikini without feeling self-conscious. At Plastic Surgery Institute, we understand what you’re going through. We have seen women come in feeling like they’ve failed at losing their weight or maintaining a skin care regimen while expecting, causing unsightly stretch marks. After our procedures, it is rewarding to see them leave our practices smiling from ear to ear, their inner glow returning as they confidently exit.
Our procedures remove extra skin from either pregnancy or weight gain, that last bit of fat that is connected to the tissue, and tightening the stomach muscles to create that much desired flatter stomach. By placing the scars by the natural folds of the skin, you will rest assured that your tummy tuck in miami will remain our secret.
Our doctors are not only specialized in the most current tummy tuck procedures, but they understand if you are struggling with losing that last bit of weight, which is why we offer several different packages and options. For the new mother or person who has experienced rapid weight loss, we will offer the tummy tuck and liposculpture package. Along with the tummy tuck, liposculpture is used to remove additional fat from the flanks and abdomen. This procedure usually takes only two hours to perform and a week to recover. Another option is the mini tuck. This is for the patient who is not a candidate for a full tummy tuck. We work only on the lower abdomen, removing fat and skin.

Tummy Tuck Specialty Doctors in Miami and the World
When you come to us, you can rest assured that you are getting some of the best service not only in Miami, but also worldwide. We have had clients fly in from around the globe to obtain our services. We strive for client satisfaction so for our out of town guests, and because of this we have located ourselves only ten minutes from the Miami International Airport. Imagine relaxing on a sunlit beach in a perfect bikini body after having one of our procedures. One of the benefits of coming to Southern Florida to get your tumkmy tuck procedure performed is that not only is our weather beautiful, but you will not have to face the embarrassing and moment when you run into an acquaintance or loved one right after your procedure.
The act of traveling can be such a chore, especially when you are internationally traveling. Things such as updated passport photos, money in the country’s currency, flights, hotels, and rental cars are just a few routine travel hassles. With us, when you book your appointment, not only will our helpful and enthusiastic staff assist you with the procedures performed in this office, but they will also coordinate your trip to our facility. We will also assist with finding the perfect place to recover. Your pre‑operation consultations can be done from the comfort of your home: with our out of town clientele, we will offer to consult with you through our web conferencing system.
One of the Best Tummy Tuck Facilities in Miami
When you enter our facility, we pride ourselves on keeping our patients and their loved ones comfortable by protecting their privacy. Because of this our award-winning facility is decorated in clean and modern lines in soothing colors, to alleviate any cold feet that you may have. In addition, we have a several reception areas for your loved ones to wait. Our two operating rooms that are accessed via private elevator, are designed a la carte to create a comfortable experience while using equipment that is catered to each of our procedures. Once you have completed your procedure and start on the road to recovery, you will be relaxing in our spacious recovery area.
Contact us today to discover the new you.