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Men Seeking the Key to a New Life with Miami Plastic Surgeons

Cosmetic Options Available to Men in Miami

While plastic surgery is popular among women, many men seek cosmetic surgery to reverse the signs of aging as well. In more recent years, the number of men seeking help has increased. This is largely due to Baby Boomers who have maintained their health over the years and would like to look as youthful as they feel.

Others simply want to keep up with their beautiful and sometimes younger wives. In either case there are several cosmetic options available for men looking to reverse the signs of aging.

1. Blepharoplasty: Eyelid Rejuvenation

Men are not immune to signs of aging around the eyes. As crow’s feet begin to emerge and deep lines settle around the eyes, a looked of restlessness and fatigue also set in. Loose skin, heavy set eyebrows that engulf the eyelids and even excess fat below the eyes which deepen the lines near the tear trough can all add to the look of exhaustion and lethargy.

Luckily, there are cosmetic surgeries such as Blepharoplasty available for men, a surgery performed on the eye lids to restore their appearance. This simple surgery can make a dramatic difference, as men remove unwanted fat from beneath their eyes and fitting the excess tissue over the cheek bones to remove the tear trough. In collaboration with popular skin tightening techniques such as facelifts, you can achieve a more vibrant appearance. These procedures are most beneficial for men who find themselves in social or business settings often.

2. Neck Lifts

Prominent in holiday cards and front and center in family photos, excess skin and fat beneath the neck is a common issue for older men, known as turkey neck. If you find yourself persistently bothered with it, a brief consult with a plastic surgeon could provide you with the solution. With the application of a neck lift, men can achieve defined jaw lines and a sculpted chin-neck junction. With the removal of excess fat around the neck and tightening of the skin around the jaw line, your features become more noticeable and you erase the former image of premature aging.

Neck lifts can become an asset for those seeking to achieve a healthier look which relays good health and youthful energy. It is a procedure with very little complications or pain as there may be use of local anesthesia; many men recover from neck lifts in as little as two weeks.

3. Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) & Chin Augmentations

As men age, certain features become more prominent such as the nose and ears. If you have ever found issue with size or definition of your nose, how it fails to compliment the rest of your face, then you should look to have a facial analysis complete by a board-certified plastic surgeon. They can help you better determine if nose surgery or rhinoplasty is the best solution for you. Performing nose surgery can require steady hands and through knowledge of the nasal passages and sub-units to ensure that they correct the issue without the nose losing its masculine appearance.

Often times the nose may not be the sole issue with the layout of ones face. A lot of men have issues with weak chin lines and as such, a chin augmentation works well in collaboration with rhinoplasty to ensure the face is evenly proportioned. A chin augmentation can benefit men who want to define their jaw line with a sculpted implant or repositioning of the bone in collaboration with liposuction to further define the jaw line.

5. Liposuction

As you begin to age your body can take on new features such as love handles. This is common and often times hard to lose with regular dieting and exercise. At which point, men can take advantage of contouring tools such as liposuction. With the ability to reshape the abdomen area, reduce sides, and result in a sculpted appearance, liposuction is a relatively safe procedure and you can return to work in as early as two to three days; however, the intended results may take as little as six weeks to as long as two months before they present themselves.

As plastic surgery continues to become a mainstream option to solving several aesthetic issues, even men have made use of cosmetic procedures in Miami. By ensuring that you have consulted a board certified plastic surgeon, your cosmetic surgery can be a safe, predictable procedure. These procedures are just a few of those that handle common issues men can easily correct with plastic surgery; however, there are many more that they can benefit from.  Contact your local plastic surgeon in Miami for a brief consultation which could provide your solution to a better life and a youthful look.