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Will Botox Injections in Miami Reduce your Migraines?

If you are a migraine sufferer, you will do anything to make the pain go away. Those who suffer repeated migraine days in any given month are said to have chronic migraines. About 12 percent of the American public suffers chronic migraines with debilitating pain. Botox, or onabotulinumtoxinA, was originally approved by the FDA to smooth wrinkles on the face. Today, the toxin is approved for reducing chronic migraines in adults as well. For people living in Florida, Botox injections in Miami, specifically at the Plastic Surgery Institute, can certainly reduce the severity and frequency of migraine headaches.

How Miami Botox Injections Work

The science behind Miami Botox injections for headaches is much the same as it is for facial wrinkles – muscle paralysis. In layman’s terms, the toxin essentially blocks the transmission of signal from the nerve cells to the muscles, thereby causing muscle fiber paralysis. According to the FDA, multiple injections are given in specific areas around the head and neck. The result is a lessening and decrease in future headache symptoms. The results last up to 12 weeks, depending on the person. Chronic migraine sufferers, defined as someone who experiences debilitating headaches at least 15 days a month, with symptoms lasting four hour or more per event, must seek repeat injections every three months to keep seeing relief from their symptoms. Patients receiving Botox injections Miami usually begin feeling relief of their migraine symptoms in four to six days after treatment.

Botox Injection Doctors in Miami Discuss Side Effects

As with most forms of treatment, side effects always exist. This anti-migraine treatment is no different. Botox injection doctors in Miami warn of the risk of the following side effects if you are considering these injections for chronic migraine relief.

The FDA states that Botox is not effective for migraine relief in people who have headaches less than 14 days a month.

A Few Things you should know before getting Botox Injections

As with any medical or cosmetic procedure, the more you know, the better off you are. Keep these things in mind as you consider Botox injections for your migraines.

Where are the Best Botox Injection Doctors in Miami?

We might be a little biased, but the best Botox injection doctors in Miami are right here in our facility. With these injections offered by many different types of doctors such as neurologists and the like, who may not specialize in administering such specialized injections, you can rest assured that our highly trained physicians are experts in the field. This is what they do – all day, every day.

Our plastic surgeons are board certified, which means they have undergone extensive training to administer Botox injections in Miami. As stated above, finding an experienced physician to administer your Botox injections is of utmost importance, so contact PSI Miami today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly-experienced plastic surgeons.

If constant migraines steal more than 15 days a month from your life, or if your current migraine medication fails to control your symptoms adequately, it is time to consider a more drastic, yet effective solution for extended migraine relief.

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