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5 Things You Need To Know About Getting The Best Tummy Tuck in Miami

People who are self-conscious and concerned about their looks, worried about their skin dropping loose or excess fat around the abdomen, due to pregnancy or weight loss can get a tummy tuck surgery to achieve a firm and a much more desirable figure. A Miami tummy tuck is popular amongst Hollywood stars and other concerned individuals who desire a flatter tummy. This procedure is taken to be a weight loss technique whereas it’s not since a tummy tuck simply contours your abdomen hence giving you a shapely tummy. It is also useful when you’ve lost weight and have excess tissues or fat cells around the abdomen that are too stubborn to lose with exercise. Abdominoplasty is when you have all the loose skin and fat removed surgically to ensure tighter abdomen muscles.

When a healthy diet and exercise are not enough to get a flat tummy and achieve a toned tummy then a tummy tuck might be the answer to give you that sleek body. Below are five key things you should know about a Miami Tummy Tuck procedure.

  • Specific Diet prior to the procedure: Eating light and healthy before the tummy tuck procedure is essential. Good nutrition boosts the immune system and results in a quick recovery. It is advisable to take protein rich foods but mostly lean protein such as chicken, fish, eggs, yogurt, and light cheese. Plenty of fruits and vegetables must be a part of the diet and also vitamin-rich foods since they help boost the healing process. But it is important to keep in mind that Vitamin E can cause complications with the surgical procedure and the healing process hence it must be avoided. Maintaining a healthy diet post surgery is essential since future weight gain after a tummy tuck is a possibility. Healthy eating habits can help ensure long-lasting results. Prior to a tummy tuck procedure patients must never experiment with crash diets or extreme weight loss because such regimens are unhealthy and deprive the body of essential nutrients that are essential to healing.

Along with a good diet, some light routine exercise prior to the procedure helps with a faster recovery. Exercise boosts the metabolism and a better functioning body that is mostly lean helps prevent future weight gain during the rest period post surgery. But strenuous exercise must be avoided by all means. A good diet teamed with exercise helps maintain a good contour in the long run.

Smoking must be avoided prior to a tummy tuck procedure and all tummy tuck doctors in Miami advise against it since it disrupts the flow of oxygen in the body.  Smokers face a great risk for complications post surgery. It is advised that tummy tuck candidates must quit smoking at least two weeks prior to surgery and they must avoid it two weeks post surgery. It is important to note that even with these prevention smokers face the risk of complications post surgery.

Any medications prior to the surgery must be taken after consultation with your doctor. A number of medications and vitamin supplements can lead to complications and clotting. Even if it’s birth control, or anti-histamines and post-cancer medications, you must alert your doctor before taking any. Aspirin, blood thinners, green tea or garlic supplements must be avoided prior to the surgery.

  • Tummy tuck doctors in Miami have a criterion for the Ideal candidates for a Tummy tuck: The right candidates for a Miami Tummy tuck must be good in health, carry excess weight in the abdomen, have loose skin around the tummy, have positive expectations of the surgery since mindset has a great deal to do with faster healing and they must be committed to maintain the results post surgery. Consultation with your doctor prior to the surgery will confirm if you are the right candidate for the procedure.
  • Choosing the tummy tuck doctors in Miami: This is the most important consideration since abdominoplasty could last a lifetime and it is extremely important to select the best tummy tuck specialist Miami. At PSI Miami, we have the top tummy tuck specialty doctors in Miami who discuss and consult prior to the surgery and it is only once the doctor understands you that the procedure takes place. At PSI Miami, we are run by the top plastic surgeons with experience and past results.

Developing a personal connection with your doctor is important since a certain level of comfort with the specialist who will perform the procedure is essential.

  • Select the best out of the 5 types of Tummy tuck procedures: The doctor helps you select the best tummy tuck procedure for your needs. A traditional tummy tuck is a most commonly performed procedure and it includes a hip-to-hip incision along with incisions around the tummy. These procedures involve moving the belly button for ideal results. This procedure is combined with a liposuction. Another type is a mini tummy tuck which is meant for candidates within the 10 percent of their ideal weight and it involves alterations at the navel and abdomen. The naval is usually repositioned in this procedure. This procedure has a faster recovery time compared to other types. Endoscopic tummy tuck is for those with weak muscles in the abdomen and it involves a tiny camera attached to a tube that is inserted with the incision. This procedure does not leave scars. Extended tummy tucks involve the removal of ‘love handles’ for excess fat and the incision is usually low so the scar extends to the hip. Circumferential tummy tucks are a type of a body lift for those who need a massive weight loss. This procedure is performed for removal of excess fat from the buttocks, thighs and hips along with a tummy tuck.
  • Recovery takes some time: After a surgical procedure it is important that you rest and maintain a healthy diet in order to avoid post surgery complications. It is essential to follow the doctors’ instructions for a speedy recovery. A minimum two-week rest is essential for a good recovery but depending on the procedure and health of the patient it might extend or even take lesser than two weeks for recovery.

PSI Miami offers the most affordable tummy tuck in Miami

We at Primary Surgery Institute in Miami (PSI Miami) encourage all our patients to understand the procedure and discuss with our surgeons who are the best tummy tuck specialty doctors in Miami. We offer the most affordable tummy tuck in Miami with the help of our alliance with financing companies. We help you find the right payment option that works with your budget and at the same time our procedure is the most affordable and effective in Miami.